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command-and-control warfare
指控战  detail>>
cw control word (cw)
控制字  detail>>
cw command word
命令字  detail>>
special warfare command unit
陆军特战队  detail>>
control word(cw)
控制字  detail>>
cw area control
等幅波地区控制  detail>>
cw control wizard
控制向导  detail>>
cw control word
控制字  detail>>
mine warfare command and support ship
水雷战指挥支援舰  detail>>
naval inshore warfare command {= niwc
海军近岸作战指挥部  detail>>
space and naval warfare systems command
宇宙空间  detail>>
anti-surface warfare control
对海作战控制  detail>>
command and control
指挥管制 指挥控制 指挥与控制  detail>>
command control
命令控制 指令控制  detail>>
control command
操纵指令 控制命令 控制指令  detail>>
to control or command
支配控制或指挥  detail>>
 短语和例子   cw, c-w =  1.continuous wave 等幅波;连续波。 2.cosine wave 余弦波。...  detail>>